Manners in Islam

Manners in Islam The Importance of Good Manners
Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, let him speak good or else keep silent. (Jami' at-Tirmidhi 1967)
Dear brothers and sisters, the hadith which I have chosen for todays topic is one that every Muslim should be aware of and be reminded of whenever they interact with others, be they Muslim or non-Muslim. We have become complacent with today’s attitude and “cool” speech which the youth has adopted and in turn, we have become careless in our own speech and manners.
The worst people in Allah’s sight on the day of Resurrection will those whom the people stay away for their bad and dirty language. (Sahih al-Bukhari 6032)
As Muslims, we should be aware that as individuals, we are representations of our faith and values. We represent Islam through our actions and through our speech. It is important that Islam bleeds into every action that we make. There are countless stories of people coming into Islam, not because someone told them an in depth lecture on the Qur’an but because they were attracted to the good attitude and manners of Muslim brothers and sisters whose interaction left a lasting impression on them. A notable example would be Indonesia. Islam spread through Indonesia not through war, not through missionaries, but due to trading with Arab Muslim merchants. The frequent interaction with Muslims is what led the people of Indonesia to desire a more in depth understanding of Islam and eventually, the people gladly and happily submitted to Allah s.w.t..
The most perfect of the believers in faith are the best of them in manners. (Sunan Abi Dawud 4682)
Through this example we learn that our mannerisms have power. As Muslims, we have to think before we talk and evaluate the situation before we take action. Unfortunately, it is in our nature to be reactive, especially in an environment which has normalized foul language and a bad attitude. And it is when a Muslim is in a reactive state that we make the gravest mistakes. We are well aware of ex-Muslims leaving Islam, not because our religion wronged them but because the people which were meant to represent our faith failed in doing so, using harsh words and undue critique.
Verily, the most hateful of you to me and furthest from me in the Hereafter are those with the worst character: the boastful, the pompous, and the verbose. (Sahih ibn Hiban 5673)
Brothers and sisters, Islam is not a faith of blindness, thus we can’t walk through life in blindness. Our actions have results not just in our own faith but also in that of others.
Verily, Allah is gentle and He loves gentleness. He grants reward for gentleness what is not given for harshness. (Sahih ibn Hiban 486) Whoever is kind, affable, and easy-going, Allah will forbid him from entering Hellfire. (al-Sunan al-Kubra lil-Bayhaqi 20806)
So let us be kind to one another and avoid foul speech.